Co-founder and first President Marty Jezer |
Write Action began in August, 1999 as an ad hoc committee that was
formed to organize a benefit reading for a local writer who had the
misfortune of having her computer stolen (and no insurance). In late
fall of that year, the Common Ground Restaurant hosted a marathon
reading, which, combined with a small through-the-mail fund drive,
raised enough money for a new computer. The event was attended by
over 100 people, and went on past midnight. As a result of that event,
the organizers and community became aware of a gaping need: for local
writers to come together in a supportive way and share in the struggles
and joys of their craft and the fruits of their labors.
Many people
championed another event, and Write Action was born.
Action became incorporated and achieved status as a non-profit organization
in 2001.
In the early years, open readings were a mainstay and were
held approximately once a season, creating a heightened presence
for the writing community in town. As others -- individuals and writing
groups mostly -- have taken
up the cudgel and Write Action has expanded what it does, open
readings are not the priority they had been. However, we still make
sure we have two or more readings a year.
The Lin Harris-Seares Writers’ Emergency
Fund was an important part of Write Action from its inception. Created
in 2000, it is named for a leading light in the 1999 ad hoc group’s
success, who fell victim to a recurrence of cancer and passed away
in March of 2000. Over the years several small gifts
have been made where there was dire need, and where a modest amount
could make a difference.
Since the first Brattleboro
Literary Festival in 2001, Write Action has had
an important part in planning and organizing this weekend-long annual
Also in 2001, the Write Action Radio Hour was aired on local station
Radio Free Brattleboro (rfb). Rob Lawson and Wayne Carhart, two Write
Action board members, created the original series. On Sundays its
fans gathered at the Twilight Tea Lounge in downtown Brattleboro
to listen to the latest program. The tapes were later aired periodically
on rfb. Write Action Radio Hour was resurrected in October, 2008,
in a new format, and can be heard every Sunday on WVEW at 107.7 fm.
Action published an anthology in 2003 of writing from sixty local
authors (published and unpublished),read over the previous two years
at Write Action events. The publication of The Best of Write
Action was
made possible through grants from The Crosby Foundation, and through
pre-sales of the book. This anthology is considered a classic collection
of local writing and is still available through PayPal on this web
The Write Action Creative Writing Award was established in 2004,
and in 2006 The Marty Jezer Award For Excellence in Journalism was
established, named
for our co-founder and first president, noted author, activist, and
Reformer columnist Marty
Jezer, who passed away in June of 2005. These
awards are given annually to a Brattleboro Union High School senior.
2005 Write Action joined the Brattleboro area's Alliance For The
Arts, a peer support group for arts organizations, to help promote
the arts, particularly
the literary arts in Windham County.
Since growing out of that first event in the Autumn of 1999, Write
Action has afforded many people an opportunity to share their skill
and enjoyment of writing,
and perhaps even, in seeking to “nurture, encourage, and promote” the
literary arts in the Brattleboro community, led some to discover a writer within
they didn’t know was there.
Write Action continues to energize the literary life of Brattleboro
with collaborative projects, publishing opportunities, events, and
news updates that evince an ongoing commitment to the writing community.