Write Action is a non-profit organization formed to strengthen a community of writers in the Brattleboro area, and to encourage, nurture, and promote the literary arts for the mutual benefit of the writing, and at-large communities.
Act as a network for area writers and appreciators of writing our email network
has grown to over 300 subscribers who receive notices of area literary events
and opportunities.
- Organize open readings several times a year in various venues throughout
downtown Brattleboro and the surrounding area
- Lin Harris-Seares Writers' Emergency Fund give grants to writers in a dire
financial emergency, where a little can do a lot.
Awards and scholarship program High school senior award; writing contests;
scholarship help for summer writing camps
- Publish collections of local writing - "The Best of Write Action", published
in 2003; "Life In Windham County", 2005
- Collaborate with other arts and town organizations and businesses. Examples
are the 250th Anniversary project in conjunction with the Historical Society
and Southern Vermont Photography Center; "Life In Windham County" contest with
the Brattleboro Reformer.
- Annual Picnic, where writers new to the area can meet others of the writing
community, shmooze and share their work
- Partners in the Brattleboro Literary Festival, which annually hosts over
twenty award-winning, and up-and-coming writers readings their work in venues
throughout downtown, for one weekend in October. All readings are free and
open to the public.